God's Shelter


In the shadows of domestic challenges, God's love emerges as a powerful shield, providing refuge for women facing the painful reality of domestic violence. The Bible, a source of unwavering strength, offers comfort in Psalm 34:18 (NIV): "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." This verse echoes with the promise that God is intimately near, especially in moments of heartache and troubles.


Domestic violence shatters the peace intended for homes, but God's protection is a fortress for the oppressed. His love extends as a balm to heal wounds, offering comfort to those who bear the weight of brokenness. Women experiencing the pain of abuse can find courage in the knowledge that God is their ever-present help.


In the midst of turmoil, you are not alone. God's promise in Psalm 91:4 (NIV) echoes a divine covering: "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings, you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." This imagery paints a vivid picture of God's protective embrace, shielding you from harm and providing a haven of safety.


As you face the daunting journey of breaking free from domestic violence, let's anchor our hope in God's promise. His protection is not just a distant concept but a tangible reality, an impenetrable fortress where brokenness is mended, and wounds are healed.


May Psalm 34:18 be a guiding light, assuring women that in their brokenness, God draws near, ready to mend, heal, and protect. As they steer the path to restoration, may they find strength in God's unwavering love, trusting that His protection is a sanctuary that empowers them to reclaim the dignity and peace that is rightfully theirs.


May the Lord heal and restore health and bliss in all broken hearts in Jesus' precious name.

Jonathan Kitavi


If you are in an abusive relationship of any kind or you just want to talk, press the contact button, we are here for you!